PURE Organic Broccoli Sprouts

PURE Organic Broccoli Sprouts

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Never has the phrase eat your greens been more important. With literally thousands of peer-reviewed research papers supporting the many benefits of Sulforaphane, Broccoli Sprouts and the role of cruciferous vegetables for better health, now is the time to up your intake

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Never has the phrase eat your greens been more important. With literally thousands of peer-reviewed research papers supporting the many benefits of Sulforaphane, Broccoli Sprouts and the role of cruciferous vegetables for better health, now is the time to up your intake.

Broccoli Sprouts are a concentrated source of Sulforaphane.  Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts is a powerful tool in helping keep the body healthy by enabling detoxification, reducing inflammation, and fighting off cell damage caused by free radicals.

But as with everything not all sprouts are created equal.  Our Broccoli Sprouts are grown organically in special climate-controlled chambers.  The sprouts are dried and milled using proprietary processes to give optimal sulforaphane yield for maximum efficacy.


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